Karentované a impaktované publikácie – 2015 – 2019
Galicia M., Dargan PI., Dines AM., Yates C., Heyerdahl F., Hovda KE., Giraudon I., Anand JS., Bonnici J., Caganova B.; Euro-DEN Plus Research Group, Wood DM., Miró Ò.; Euro-DEN Plus
Research Group.:
Clinical relevance of ethanol coingestion in patients with GHB/GBL intoxication.
Toxicol Lett. 2019;314:37-42.
IF – JCR: 2018 – 3,499
Scazzola R., Boeije G., Bøtker Pedersen E., Brenneman W., Cagáňová B., Celentano A., De Coninck E., Desel H., Ebbehøj N., Färber E., Sesana F., Zacharov S.:
Eye hazard classification according to UN GHS / EU CLP and the severity of eye symptoms caused by accidental exposures to detergents and cleaning products.
Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2019;105:69-76.
IF – JCR: 2018 – 2,996
Klimaszova Z., Fazekas T., Kuzelova M.:
Relationship between adolescents’ and their parents’ attitudes toward medicines and awareness of the risk of medicines.
Int J Clin Pharm. 2018;40(6):1501-1510.
IF – JCR: 2017 – 1,508
Klimaszova Z., Fazekas T., Kuzelova M.:
Adolescents’ knowledge and perception of medicine risk.
Pediatr Int. 2018;60(8):735-742.
IF – JCR: 2017 – 0,860
Miró Ò., Yates C., M Dines A., M Wood D., I Dargan P., Galán I., Jerez A., Puiguriguer J., Stephen Waring W., Moughty A., O’Connor N., Heyerdahl F., E Hovda K., M Vallersnes O., Paasma R., Põld K., Jürgens G., Megarbane B., S Anand J., Liakoni E., Liechti M., Eyer F., Zacharov S., Caganova B., Giraudon I., Galicia M.:
Emergencies related to recreational drug abuse in Spain compared to emergencies attended in 3 European areas.
Emergencias. 2018 Dic;30(6):384-394.
IF – JCR: 2017 – 3,608
Caganova B., Foltanova T., Puchon E., Ondriasova E., Plackova S., Fazekas T., Kuzelova M.:
Caustic Ingestion in the Elderly: Influence of Age on Clinical Outcome.
Molecules. 2017;22(10). pii: E1726.
IF – JCR: 2016 – 2,861
Haramiova Z., Stasko M., Hulin M., Tesar T., Kuzelova M., Morisky DM.:
The effectiveness of daily SMS reminders in pharmaceutical care of older adults on improving patients’ adherence to antihypertensive medication (SPPA): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Trials. 2017;18(1):334.
IF – JCR: 2016 – 1,969
Schweigertova J., Durisova A., Dolnikova D., Ondriasova E., Balazova M., Slezakova V., Kuzelova M.:
Off-label and unlicensed use of medicinal products in the neonatal setting in the Slovak Republic.
Pediatr Int. 2016;58(2):126-131.
IF – JCR: 2015 – 0,868
Zakharov S., Kotikova K., Vaneckova M., Seidl Z., Nurieva O., Navratil T., Caganova B., Pelclova D.:
Acute Methanol Poisoning: Prevalence and Predisposing Factors of Haemorrhagic and Non-Haemorrhagic Brain Lesions.
Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2016;119(2):228-238.
IF – JCR: 2015 – 3 ,097
Kissova V, Rosenberger J, Goboova M., Kiss A.:
Ten-year all-cause mortality in hospitalized non-surgical patients based on nutritional status screening.
Public Health Nutr. 2015;18(14):2609-2614.
IF – JCR: 2014 – 2 ,679
Puchon E., Goboova M., Vano I.,· Fazekas T., Javorova‑Rihova Z., Kuzelova M.:
Medication‑related factors associated with proton pump inhibitor prescription beyond official guidelines in older adults.
Eur Geriatr Med (2020) 11:1051–1061
IF – JCR: 2020 – 1,232